2021 : The Year of the Bride



Let us rejoice and exalt him and give him glory, because the wedding celebration of the Lamb has come. And his bride has made herself ready.

Revelation 19:7 TPT

In the intimate place she worshiped Him
Her beloved Bridegroom King
All day she longed for another chance
To lay next to Him as He pointed out the stars to her
and called each by name.

Everyday her heart went to Him
And met Him in the secret cave of furs
Stood next to Him in a sweet embrace
Felt His heartbeat
Heard His song
Clutched His wounded hands

He shone His light all around her
He surrounded her with His wings
Then He lifted her up
Into divine ascent
To higher realms of glory
Higher realms of intimacy
He is her defense in times of need
Her provision, her joy, her abundant life.

She is His and He is hers.

Divine Union

I believe 2021 the Bride of Christ will shine with the Light of the Bridegroom King, who overshadows her with His wings. In the midst of the chaos she is a shining one, her face transfigured from all the time she gazed at Him in the secret place. She will take the stage as a Warrior Bride, as a Priestly Bride and a Glorious Bride of signs, wonders and miracles. The oil does not stop dripping off her, she has prepared herself for a time like this, and her reward is Him, to please her husband, the Bridegroom King, to whom she is ever faithful. Many will enter the Bridal Chamber of King Jesus this coming year, yes even those who never saw Him.in this light will receive revelation and understand of the call to be a pure bride, without a spot or blemish. He is drawing us in deeper ❤.

“Come,” says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet . Let everyone who hears this duet join them in saying, “Come.” Let everyone gripped with spiritual thirst say, “Come.” And let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink it freely. “ It is my gift to you! Come.”

Revelation 22:17 TPT

#brideofchrist #purity #bridegroomking #secretplace #propheticword #yearofthebride #divineunion #divineromance #wordfor2021

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